Kaelyn Willkens address
The only phone number(s) to that address
Is 936-448-1671 . Could be the office number
Because Michael Wilkins is/was an auctionar.
Under current record his auctioneer license expired last year.
Note: I do not know if she will be getting a new phone with a new phone number, but will keep everyone informed.
(I love property Tax Records) Hint on how to find someone....
And to confirm the real last name go to
Melissa Lutz Wilkins to see mom's Facebook page.
(I wonder if mom is related to my favorite author,
John Lutz?)
Kaelyn is now 18 years old. Had her birthday on July 23, 2018.
This page updated on July 29, 2018.
Enjoy the secrets.
Kaelyn Wilkins was born July 23, 2000
ReplyDeleteI do believe Kaelyn is moving either The Woodlands,TX or near that area. I will keep you posted.
ReplyDeleteIs the information official? :o
ReplyDeleteYES. It's from the property tax records. And all were correct at the time of posting.